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Grand Rapids Pipeline System

South Bow

TC能源公司战略性地将我们的液体管道业务剥离为一个独立的公司, investment-grade, publicly listed company. 在South Bow公司查找有关液体业务的未来信息.

Visit southbow.com


Since August 2017, 大急流城管道系统一期已代表我们的客户输送原油. Jointly owned by TC Energy and PetroChina Canada Ltd., formerly Brion Energy Corporation, 460公里(287英里)长的Grand Rapids管道系统在连接Fort McMurray西北产区方面发挥着关键作用, Alberta, to terminals in the Edmonton/Heartland region.

2018年11月,我们将南大急流城合资企业投入使用. Through this joint venture between Grand Rapids and Keyera, 该资产包括一个稀释剂泵站和一条直径20英寸的稀释剂管道,连接埃德蒙顿和萨斯喀彻温堡, Alberta.


460 km (287 mile) pipeline


Operations began in late August 2017

7,000,000 dedicated hours

Five years to complete

300+ dedicated workers


Click or call before you dig

无论你是在商业工地挖地基, a swimming pool in your backyard or planting a tree, always know what’s below first. Before putting a shovel in the ground, 联系当地的一个呼叫中心,让他们免费定位和标记所有地下公用设施.

Consequences of unsafe digging include:

  • Risk of serious injuries and death
  • Fines and repair costs to fix underground utility lines
  • Interrupted services such as electricity, gas and water


Read More About Pipeline Safety



Documents and maps

大急流管道系统连接着阿尔塔省麦克默里堡西北部的产区., to terminals in the Edmonton/Heartland region. 探索构成阿尔伯塔原油重要通道的路线和设施.



Regulatory contact

The Grand Rapids Pipeline System is regulated by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).

Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
Local 1-403-297-8311 1-403-297-7336
Toll-Free 1-855-297-8311



Ways to reach us

If you have any questions about the Project, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 

Grand Rapids Pipeline System

450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1

1-855-895-8754 Toll-Free (North America)
Shipper Information
Shipper Enquiries:
Emergency Response
我们对人民、管道和设施安全的承诺是坚定不移的,请访问我们的 Contact page for our complete list of emergency numbers.